You are within me, you are infinite
You are unique, my potential inside!

You are the wings, beneath my flight
You define me, my potential inside!

Today I pledge, with all my might
I shall achieve you, my potential inside!

Mount Litera Zee School Bhagalpur stands on three critical belief systems:

  1. Every child unique: George Evans, an American Social reformer, famously said, "Every student can learn, just not on the same day and in the same way. "At Mount Litera Zee School Bhagalpur, We adhare to this Philosophy and truly believe that every child is unique.
  2. Education should foster critical and creative thinking: Mount Litera Zee Schools aim to develop critical and creative thinking in their students. The schools make this happen with proprietary content and innovative ways of teaching.
  3. Lifelong learning through an integrated approach: A comprehnsive teaching program that ensures, subjects are interlinked in order to develop curiosity in the child as well as to ensure she / he grows up to be a lifelong learner is the key essence of Mount Litera Zee School Bhagalpur.

Inclusive Education at MLZS Bhagalpur

At Mount Litera Zee School Bhagalpur we do not categorize children with different requirements by putting certain children in a separate class. In the classroom, we provide enough attention to each student to ensure their requirements are met.

We recognize the resposibility of providing the right educational infrastructure, pedagogy and counselling. The learning activities are designed with an interesting mix of Audiovisual and Kinesthetic aids and activities, Laboratory sessions, etc. for catering to the different learning styles of our students. our teachers strive to ensure participation from all students in the classroom. Cases of withdrawn or non-participative students are discussed and analyzed to ensure they are not treated as only underachievers.

To ensure that our inclusive education policy is implemented to the best of our ability, our teachers undergo in-service trainings on awareness of and strategies for creating inclusive learning environments. We have a dedicated senior-academic role for learning interventions so that our schools have access to experts in this field. Our learning intervention team talks to teachers regularly on issues like Autism, Dysledia, Dyspraxia, Attention-deficit disorder, Slow learning and Gifted students.

Our school audits evaluate schools on the parameters of inclusivity to ensure that we get real-time data from our school system about our successes and areas of improvements.

We understand that partnering with parents is necessary for addressing any special needs of children. Parents are encouraged to share their stories and are contacted for discussion if their wares are observed to be facing any significant difficulty in the classroom.

Instructions for Students

It is expected that students of Mount Litera Zee School, Bhagalpur be respectful of people and property in the school. Any breach of discipline should be immediately reported to the concerned authority.

Students, who come to school on their own, should arrive well before the reporting time.

Students, who come to school escorted, should never leave before the escort arrives, In case of any delay in the arrival of the escort, they should report to the school office.

Use of appropriate language is expected at all times, Bullying, ragging and extortion are prohibited. There is a zero tolerance policy to any type of violence or abuse. the school does not discriminate on the basis of religion caste, income groups, colour or creed.

Alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, drugs, firearms, lethal weapons, pornographic literature, pets, match boxes, lighters, etc are totally forbidden.

Students should refrain from carrying any electronics items.

Uniform and Appearance

Students are expected to dress neatly and tidily.

Students must be in their school uniform while in campus and using the school transport.

Special permission needs to be taken from the class teacher, if the student cannot wear the uniform for a particular day. The parents is expected to send a note in the Almanac for the same.

Students must wear polished black shoes. These should not have any fancy features. Students must have black hair pins, black hair band. Two plaits are compulsory for long hair.

Hair must not be coloured. tinted or highlighted.

Students are not allowed to wear ostentatious or expensive jewellery, expensive watches, wristbands, chains and similar accessories.

Medical Leave and Certificates

All the students are expected to attend school on the opening day after every vacation. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate before they join the class.

A child returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate form a doctor.

Students suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before of quarantine before returning to class.

Chiken Box : till complete falling of scabs
Measles : 2 Weeks after rash disappears
Mumps : until the swelling subsides
Cholera : till the child is completely well
Whooping Cough : 6 weeks
Jaundice : 6 weeks
Dangue : 4 weeks
Chikungunya : 4 weeks

Students' Council

The Students' Council in the School is a democratic representation of students in the school community. The members will be elected by the students fraternity.The elections for memebership of the Students' Council will be conducted in the beginning of the academic session.

Aims and Objectives of Students' Council:

  1. To liaise and bridge the communication gap for effective exchange of information between the students and school administration.
  2. To communicate students' view, concerns and opinions to the school administration, for enhancing quality of life and overall improvement of various activites, academic programmes, service and facilities in the school campus.
  3. To promote widespread student participation in all spheres of school activities with a view to nurturing qualities of leadership camaraderie, team spirit & co-operative learning and shapening skills of inter personal relationship, problem solving & organizing ability.
  4. To represent the overall interests of students in the school and endeavour to promote their general welfare.

Members of Students' Council:

The Students Council will comprise of the following office bearers:

  1. School Head Boy
  2. School Head Girl
  3. Sports Captain
  4. Activities Captain
  5. House Captian - 1 girl and 1 boy for each house

Club Activities:

The school will run various clubs based on the suggestions of the Students' Council and the general interests of the student fraternity. Suggested clubs are:

  1. Sports Club
  2. Music Instrument Club
  3. Music Vocal Club
  4. Performing Arts/Dramatics Club
  5. Heritage Club
  6. Tech Club