Set targets in the field of academics and pursue them
Take part in Co-Curricular Activities for holistic growth
Make optimum use of time
Take care of school property
Maintain personal hygiene
Maintain cleanliness of surroundings
Shoulder responsibilities
Show respect to elders and affection to the young
Take care of the disadvantaged
Be environment conscious
Grow up as an aware and concerned citizen
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct states that we will respect property and personal rights, co-operate with and support each other and take responsibility for a safe environment. The teacher’s right to teach and the student’s right to learn cannot be disturbed by the actions of others. Mount Litera Zee School, Bhagalpur is committed to, developing positive inter-personal relationship between members of the school community.
The rules that apply in all circumstances in our school are “Do the Right Thing-Say the Right Thing”.
The only medium of communication within the school premises is English.
Every student should carry the Almanac to school each day and wear his / her Identity card.
Students who come to school by their own transport should arrive on time.
The morning bell before a class or assembly is the signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done in order.
Students who are not in proper uniform will be fined. Repetition will lead to disciplinary action.
Shouting or whistling is not allowed in the school premises.
It is strictly forbidden to throw anything at anyone.
Care must be taken of all the school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or charts or damage any school property; write or draw anything on the walls; or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage caused
even by accident should be reported to the Principal. Any damage caused/done may be recovered from the student; it will also lead to disciplinary action and a fine.
Students are not allowed to bring any sharp objects to school.
No books (other than textbooks or library books) for eg. Magazines or papers should be brought without the permission of the Principal/coordinates.
Leading or borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.
The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring / wear valuable articles (like gold earring, bangles, chains, expensive watches or fountain pens, etc.) to school.
Students who come to the school escorted by attendants should never leave before the attendant arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
The school reserves the right to suspend students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is detrimental to other students.
Parents and guardians cannot meet their wards or teachers without the permission of the Principal.
The name, class and sections of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings.
Absentees, Latecomers and uniform defaulters will be fined a sum of Rs. 100. Repetition of any of the above mentioned will lead to suspension.
When students fail to do their homework it will be intimated to the parents. If repeated more than three times will lead to serious disciplinary action.
It is the parent's duty to make sure that their ward completes his/her homework.
A Student who uses unfair means during tests will be given new set of answer script and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Principal or Office Assistant. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
Student council members will wear their respective badges daily.
Return gifts and cake cutting will not be entertained on birthdays.
Story books may be given which will be kept in the class library so that other students can have access to the books.
Even mere possession of any prohibited items like Gutka, khaini, Cigarettes etc. will lead to Rs.1000/- fine and suspension for a duration of 7 working days. Repetition of the same will lead to expulsion. No communication will be entertained regarding such cases.
A parent-teacher Meeting shall be held once in each term, as given in the PTM schedule. It is mandatory for all the parents/ local guardians to attend these meetings in order to be fully acquainted with the progress being made by their wards.