Fees for the month should be cleared on or before the 10th of the month. The School office will not accept any fees in cash.
The late fine is to be charged as follows :
Rs. 100/- for the 01st month from the last date of payment of fees.
Rs. 200/- for the 02nd month from the last date of payment of fees.
If the fees are not paid within 2 months the name of the child may be struck off and the readmission charges will be levied.
Fees Terms
1st Installment - At the time of admission
2nd Installment - September (First Week )
Day Scholar
Monthly - On or before the 10th of the month.
All fees are to be paid through the School App only.
Fees can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full session.
In case of any doubt regarding the payment of dues, parents / guardians are advised to make the payment first and then clarify the matter.
Parents are advised to kindly keep the fees receipt in safe custody.
In case of loss of the Progress Report Card, a duplicate copy of the same will be issued on payment of Rs. 200/-.
A clear calendar month notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice should be given before a pupil can be withdrawn either from the school or the bus services.
Admit cards will not be issued to fee defaulters, and, they will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
In case of delay, parents are required to get permission from the Principal by applying in writing and also mentioning the definite date of payment of fees.